Deal of the Week

Don't Miss This Fantastic Discount Offer Valid from the 2nd - 9th of December Discounts throughout the businesses in the shopping complex Double Click to have a better … [Read more...]
Pop Up Ladies Fashion Boutique

Fabulous & Affordable Fashion Open Upstairs in Our Supervalu Building Until Mid December … [Read more...]
ONLY at Flynn’s Supervalu 14/11/2013 – 17/11/2013
Cadbury Medium Selection Box NOW ONLY 1.99 Was €3.50 Special Offer Applies to Flynn's Supervalu Lackagh Only … [Read more...]
New Post Office Location
The new Post Office was opened during the week and is now situated to the right of the Supervalu as you enter the building. Rita and Bernie would like to thank all their customers for their … [Read more...]
Supermarket Re-vamp Update

Thank you for you patience and continued support! Our newly refurbished and larger Supervalu is really taking shape and not long now before we will be able to offer you a much larger product range … [Read more...]
Super Food at SuperValu!

Super Food and Super Recipes at Flynn's SuperValu! Check out our recipe section for more Super Ideas!! … [Read more...]
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