Amazing Offers In-Store:
Mosgo 5ltr was €29.99 now only €19.99
Mosgo 2.5ltr was €19.99 now only €14.99
Hytrol 400g with free Tomato Food only €17.99
Sulphate of Iron €16 or 2 for €30
Evergreen complete 4 in 1 €29.99 or 2 for €50
1 Bale of Bord Na Mona Briquettes with every 7 purchased
Enter into a draw if you buy FERTILIZER on the 4th  & 5th April
A Representive from Hygeia will be here to give the best advice on how to get rid off moss from Slates Tarmac and Patio Aeras
checkout our Topline specials page on the website for our Spring Brochure with more offers and details.
These fantastic offers and much more in-store are for this weekend only DON’T MISS OUT!
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